Friday, 14 December 2012

Leadership course

It has been sometime since this blog has updated (this is an old draft from 2010).

We put together a leadership course, a five day event for early january (2010) and there was insufficient interest to make a real go of it. However it was the weather that really stopped things in the tracks.

Having spent sometime in the organization of this course it was a bit of a let down. The challenge now was to keep the fellowshiop work going.

On talking things through with my tutor we decided to go for a reduced level of education time and set up a couple of workshops to do some work on leadership, as a part of the course to evaluate leadership education.  The nub of the leadership education is there is a limited uptake in agriculture in Britain with plenty of activity on offer. The best leadership education for farmer/agricultural managers is to go on a course that is aimed at Leadership with a diverse intake from other sectors as opposed to the more incestuous farmer only leadership, because farming is not as different as farmers like to think it is.

The problem is management is a young discipline and has been through various stages of fashionable developemnt. Agriculture has only recently industrialised and so is only now receptive to concepts of business and decision making analysis. Added into this framework is the rise of systems approach. The synergy between systems, agriculture and management is more harmonious that the previous concentration on reductionism, and a business ethos driven by the dismal science that suggests that 'all other things being equal' we can address these two parts of the decision. However complexity has driven that solution procedure out the door.

The weather however is different now with water, water every where (nor a drop to drink?).

Been looking for a link to history/development of management came across this management innovations overtime

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The joined up world, it's wonderful

Found agronomy man blog, very excellent and he wrote good piece on the diploma minefield in agriculture coming out of a do that the old boys in the US of A have in regard to agricultural teachers. I think there would be value in doing this in these little isles as agricultural teaching is rapidly moving up a cul-du-sac due to demographics, the fact that industry can pay better salaries than teaching has at it's disposal. This is the link

Friday, 2 November 2012

How to organise information into knowledge

Working on a project that seeks to use video linking theory into practice and found this blog How to organise information into knowledge

Looks to have a very useful connection. The secret in web clatter appears to be finding the main points that enable connection to turn information into knowledge.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

It has been sometime and still the only person interested is nil

The point of this blog is to capture some data in respect of sustainability. This area of activity is fraught with complexity of language and political hijack.

In regard to communication and understanding a most useful tool is the n gramm tool developed by google.